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27.Your bird base is now completed.Prepare a valley-fold.
28.Fold down the top layer by applying the valley-fold along the red dash-line of the step #27.
29.Turn the model over.
30.Apply the same valley-folding of the step #27 to the top layer.
31.Rotate the paper by 180 degrees and then perpare for a valley-fold.
32.Apply the valley-fold. Repeat this valley-fold to all four layers. Be sure to valley-fold only the left side.
33.You will be end up with a shape of rhombus.Prepare for a valley-fold.
34.Fold down the top layer using the red dash-line shown in the step #33.
35.Turn the model over and apply the same valley-folding of the step #34.
36.The picture of the model is shown here after the step #35.