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71.The triple leaf is now completed.
72.If you want to have a leaf with similar texture of real leaf, then you need a more work to do.
Just before the step #26, grab one of leaf and parepare to make a reverse fold near the center of the square base.
73.Apply the first reverse fold.
74.Prepare to make a second reverse fold just below the first one.
75.Apply the second reverse fold.
76.Continue making as many as reverse folds.You can make six or seven creases.
When you finish with one leaf, repeat these revers folds to two other leaves.
77.Let's concentrate on one leaf. Make the crease line stickes out by using two finger nails. This technique is called "nail-fold".
78.Apply nail-fold to all creases.
79.Apply nail-fold to two other leaves.
80.Fold the paper in half and continue from the step #25.
81.Congratulation! You have just completed making "Triple Leaf"