猜你喜欢: 简单几步手工制作纸玫瑰花的方法 适合做卡片装饰的简单折纸玫瑰花的折法教程 精美立体装饰花手工制作图片教程 喇叭花折纸教程图解 精美连枝郁金香手工折纸教程图解 纸艺纸藤手工DIY漂亮郁金香的制作方法教程 简单组合折纸凌乱的莲花折法实拍教程 如何制作精致双色纸艺礼品盒包装花 手工制作纸艺花束:漂亮的纸艺玉兰花DIY制作教程 漂亮的三色玫瑰折纸 |
1.Fold (valley-fold) the paper in half.
Cut the paper in half and concentrate only on one of them.
2.Rotate the paper by 45 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction.
Concentrate on the bottom corner.
3.Roll the paper from the bottom.
4.Continue rolling the paper until you nearly reach the top corner。
5.Apply a glue on the top edge.
6.Continue rolling the paper to the top.
You have completed making single stem module.
Try to make two holes at the end are not equal so that one end can be inserted into the other end.
7.Make six of these stem modules.
Since one square-paper provides two modules, you need three square-papers to make them.
8.Beside theses stem modules, you need to prepare a couple of triple leaf.
There is an instruction to make this leaf.
9.Grab one of stem module and put a glue on smaller end.Prepare to insert this module into other module at larger end.
10.Connect both modules together.
11.Add one more module into the two connected modules.Now, we have three connected modules.
12.If you have not made two triple leaves yet, do it now.Here is the instruction.
13.Insert a leaf into the main stem.Prepare to insert a glued modlue into the main stem.
14.Insert a glued module into the main stem.The main stem now has four connected modules.
15.Insert another leaf into the main stem.
Be sure to make the leaf pointing toward an opposite direction of the exsiting leaf.
Prepare to insert a glued modlue into the main stem.
16.Insert a glued module into the main stem.The main stem now has five connected modules.
17.You can skip this step if you think the length of the stem is long enough.
If you think it is short, then you can add one module at the bottom of the main stem.
18.The paper stem is now completed.
19.Congratulation!You have now completed making a paper stem.
All you need is attaching this stem to a calyx and a rose.