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点滴装饰精致生活 立体纸蝴蝶挂饰的做法—用漂亮的纸蝴蝶完成效果图
Layer 2 butterflies and glue them together. Set aside the 3rd butterfly.
4. Take the glued butterfly pair and dotglue the center in a couple of spots. Then, set the thread down on top of this glue. Pinch the wings of the remaining butterfly, and set it down on top of the butterfly pair. When the glue is dry, use your fingers to spread apart the 3D butterfly wings.
Glue the butterflies to the thread, including the 3rd butterfly. Spread apart the wings with your fingers.
5. Each flower is doublesided, so you will need to cut 2 small, 2 medium and 2 large shapes for each side. For the scallopededged circles, I snipped between the scallops to create petals. On all flower shapes, use either your fingers or a ball stylus to curve the petals as you like. (If you don’t have a ball stylus, a size J or K crochet hook works well.) Next, layer 3 shapes in graduated sizes together with craft glue for one side of the flower, then repeat for the opposite side of the flower. Add a center embellishment to each side if you desire. I sew a button to the center of each flower.
Make each half of the doublesided flower. Snip between scallops to create petals, then shape them.
You can use different punches to create a different look for your flowers.
6. For each doublesided flower, glue a line across the back side of one flower half, then lay the thread down on top of the glue line. Apply glue to the outside back edge of the same flower half, then match back sides of both flower halves together. Pinch around the edge of the flower to make sure the layers adhere well. Add glue where necessary. You will need to “fluff” the flower petals once the glue is dry.
Add glue to the back of one flower half, and lay the thread down into the glue before adding the 2nd flower half. Pinch the 2 halves together, and allow the glue to dry.
Before hanging your garland, "fluff" flower petals, and reshape butterfly wings, as desired.