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制作空气清新剂需要材料:Baking soda 小苏打、Essential oil (I used lavender) 精油(本教程用薰衣草)、A mason jar + lid zakka 风格的玻璃瓶+盖子、Thin cardboard (I used acid free watercolor paper) 薄纸板(本教程使用的是无酸水彩纸)、A thumbtack or crochet needle 图钉、Scissors 剪刀、Paint + paintbrush 颜料+颜料笔。
1、Start off by tracing the inner portion of your cardboard and cut out the circle.用瓶盖的内圈,在薄纸板或无酸水彩纸上画一个圆圈,并用剪刀剪出来。
2、This is the fun part! Create a design for your lid.这是最有趣的部分,创建一个有设计感的盖子,在裁减出来的圆圈上,画一个心形。
3、Now use your thumbtack and make holes in the cardboard. Here I followed my initial heart design but you could also make random holes if you don’t feel like following a tedious design or pattern.用图钉,在纸板上或无酸水彩纸上,延心形打孔。如果你不喜欢心形,也可以做一个自己喜欢的。
4、Make sure the tack goes through each hole.确保图钉处理的孔都是通的。
5、Second funnest part! Paint your design.第二个有趣的部分,画出你的设计来。
6、You might have to re-punch a few holes through the cardboard once the paint dries out.在颜料变干之后,你可能需要重新打孔。
7、Paint the lid and let dry.等待颜料变干,就可以做盖子使用了
8、While everything else dries, create the mix. Fill about 1/4 of the jar with baking soda, then mix with 5-10 droplets of essential oil depending on the size of the room and the strength you’d like to give the concoction.现在,开始混合小苏打和精油制作空气清新剂了,大概装 1/4的小苏打,然后混合5-10滴精油,根据房间的大小,还有你喜欢的气味。
9、Close the lid and you’re done! Fun, easy, better for you & the environment and the fragrance can be quickly refreshed with a shake!盖上盖子,大功告成了!这个制作有趣,轻松,还可以改善环境的空气。赶紧做一个,轻轻的摇一摇吧。