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19.Apply the valley-fold according to the step #18.
20.Unfold all three valley-folds.
21.Let's begin so-called "petal fold". Lift the bottom corner upwards.
22.Continue lifting.
23.As you push the corner up, bring the edges in towards the middle and flatten them.
24.Now you completed the petal fold.
25.What we are going to do is to make a bird base and it is now half-done.
26.Turn the model over and apply the steps #20-24.
27.Your bird base is now completed.Prepare a valley-fold.
28.Fold down the top layer of right-side by applying the valley-fold along the red dash-line of the step #27.
29.Turn the model over.Prepare for a valley-fold.
30.Fold down the top layer of right-side by applying the valley-fold along the red dash-line of the step #29 Prepare for another valley-fold..
31.Apply the valley-fold of the step #30.
32.Apply the valley-fold of the step #30.
33.Apply the valley-fold of the step #32.
34.Open four sides to make a plus-sign figure.Prepare for a valley-fold along the L-shape line.
35.Apply the valley-fold of the step #34.Prepare for a valley-fold.
36.Apply the valley-fold of the step #35.