猜你喜欢: 皱纹纸DIY节日拉花制作教程 简单组合折纸凌乱的莲花折法实拍教程 kolibri-orchidee蜂鸟兰花折纸教程图解 香水百合百合折纸教程 罗伯特折纸教程之七夕纸艺玫瑰花制作 纸艺花制作之郁金香折纸图文教程 手工折纸盆栽仙人球的折法 PhamHoangHai手工折纸樱花的折法教程 简易康乃馨折纸图解教程-儿童折纸系列 西洋苎环手工折纸图解教程 |
1.Fold (mountain fold) the paper in half.
2.Unfold the paper so that you can see the crease that you have just made.*we have used a black pen to distinctively show the "crease"
3.Rotate the paper by 90 degrees and fold the paper in half.
4.Unfold the paper and draw a line on the crease.
5.Rotate the paper by 45 degrees and then fold the paper in half.