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37.Apply the steps #35-36 to all four sides.
38.Turn the model over.
39.Grab the top with tweezers and rotate it slowly and firmly for maximum turns.
40.This is the top view of the model.
41.Curl shoulder of one petal with tweezers. You can also curl it with fingers.
42.Apply the step #41 to all four petals.
43.Turn the model over.This is the bottom view.Prepare for four valley-folds.
44.Apply four valley-folds of the step #43.
45.Turn the model over. Prepare to curl three edges for each petal so that there is no sharp edges.
46.Curl edges for all four petals.
47.Your Easy Origami Rose I is now completed.This is the top view.
48.This is the bottom view.
49.Congratulation! You've done it.